Mich hat das Bauen sehr unterhalten. Varied building experiences like this one are often the most appealing. Its price of £79.99 in the UK is less appealing by comparison, although that still represents acceptable value in my opinion. Get over it without reading so much into it. 4.8 out of 5 stars. Trafalgar Square is one of my favourite locations in London and as such I had to get my hands on and review this set. I feel that needs repeating. Die einzelnen, losen Stufen sind damit fest positioniert. Das Kind mit 38% oder Dom’s Dodge Charger mit 40% Rabatt, LEGO bei Amazon: 33% Rabatt auf London Skyline und andere gute Angebote, LEGO Neuheiten Januar 2021: Monsterbuch wieder verfügbar + 40416 Eislaufplatz als GWP erhältlich! People are getting all upset about a 1x1 tile and crying foul that it is pushing a political agenda, while their narrow definition of “family” has been adhered to in hundreds of city and creator home sets over the years? What's wrong with LEGO giving their support? Regarding the set as a whole, it's a great example of how far the Architecture line has come since its origins. I love the stair construction! The surrounding lions are fairly rudimentary but I think it would be difficult to capture any more detail at this tiny scale. Ob sich das lange Warten gelohnt hat, erfahrt ihr in dieser Review. But including them in this set could also be an intentional shout-out to something with special importance/relevance to the designer, similar to how Marcos Bessa hid a Portuguese flag inside the Helicarrier set. @Lyonel McBaseplate: It could be a coincidence, yeah (particularly since it uses printed elements already designed for another theme)! War schon so oft da, also habe ich mir dieses Set aich gleich geholt als es raus kam, und direkt zusammen gebaut. Wart ihr schon mal in London? Würdet ihr euren Trafalgar Square hinten offen lassen und den Blick auf die Exponate freigeben oder seid ihr Display-Puristen? Da sie aber sehr dicht aneinander stehen, nehmen sie sich leider ein wenig gegenseitig den Platz weg. Now, if LEGO could just provide us Canadian fans with a Toronto skyline, or CN Tower set, that would be awesome... :) (Pretty please?!). Für … Hinweis: Dieses LEGO Angebot ist älter als eine Woche und daher eventuell nicht mehr verfügbar. A wonderful build at an excellent value: I cannot … Kurz vor Abschluss des dritten Bauabschnitts baue ich den markanten Giebel des Haupteingangs, bevor mit ein paar geübten Handgriffen die Rückwände fertiggestellt werden. Sehr schönes Set, hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht , Solche Artikel schaffen wirklich einen Bezug und eine Verbindung zu dem Set, dass man es am liebsten sofort kaufen will! These are simply attached using hinges but can sink into the base as 6x8 trapdoor frames are cleverly situated beneath the road. @bananaworld: Asking a question doesn't immediately imply fear and/or hate. Further discussion of this topic will only elicit arguments so I would request that subsequent comments discuss the merits and demerits of the whole set, rather than focusing exclusively upon three colourful tiles. Im Vergleich zu anderen Architecture Sets ist das allerdings recht harmlos und das Ergebnis kann sich wirklich sehen lassen. Review. Nach dem gleichen Prinzip wird die Haupttreppe konstruiert. The role of these unusual features will become apparent later. Sie war total begeistert, hat es direkt aufgebaut und schon einen Platz in ihrem Arbeitszimmer gefunden. Socio-political views? I live in the Western Hemisphere, so I won't be able to get my hands on any of this season's sets for weeks to months to come, depending upon theme.I like the rainbow tile designs, though the one with the cloud feels somehow a little rigid. Ursprünglich sollte dort das Reiterstandbild von Wiliams IV. Der Vizeadmiral Nelson wurde aber während der Seeschlacht von einem Scharfschützen getroffen und erlag noch in den Kampfhandlungen an den schweren Verletzungen. Zum Vorschein kommen die 190 Seiten umfassende Anleitung und durchnummerierte Tüten, die für ein Architecture-Set selten sind. Gone is the mostly studs-up building relying almost solely on basic brick types. Insgesamt werden dort sieben 1x4x1 Panels (Part-Nr. Hab das Set am Prime Day für meine Freundin abgestaubt. Gay pride tile? The set is recommended by 4 reviews, based on 5 scored reviews and 7 reviews total. Kurios mutet da schon die Ankedote zu dem vierten Sockel im nordwestlichen Teil an: Während auf den anderen drei Sockeln jeweils eine Statue zu sehen ist, blieb der vierte Platz ist leer. @patrizio84: Well, no, but there were Brickset news commenters expressing paranoid concerns that Sweet Mayhem and other LEGO Movie 2 characters were part of a leftist scheme to “brainwash” kids with a radical anti-male agenda.It’s funny how little it takes for people used to overwhelming amounts of representation in toys and media to feel threatened or persecuted…EDIT: Sorry @CapnRex101, refreshed after I posted and saw your comment. Beim Dach fehlen nur noch die letzten Handgriffe. Dark tan floors and several interesting artworks are found within this model, including a golden statue and several printed tiles. Typical left viewpoint. Otherwise, their "statement" could be deemed as hypocritical, something that the leftists (especially in the states) are masters of. However, this has impacted the proportions of the building and either end has been truncated. der Löwen und - toll gemacht - einem der regelmäßig wechselnden Kunstwerke auf einem der Sockel. Danach werden einige 3er-Stangen benötigt, um die vielen prachtvollen Säulen darzustellen. Der Trafalgar Square ist einer der bekanntesten und beliebtesten Sehenswürdigkeiten mitten im Herzen von London. The fan community is certainly better off without people whose hate for people who are different from them overrides their basic human decency. Good for you. Wir informieren unabhängig und kritisch über die aktuellsten Neuigkeiten rund um die bunten Steine, damit du keine LEGO News mehr verpasst. Ungewöhnlich für eine Bautätigkeit: Die Exponate ziehen jetzt schon ein, aber ihr braucht euch keine Sorge machen, denn die Kunstwerke braucht ihr nicht gegen Baustaub zu schützen. Am interessantesten waren viele der Bautechniken, die ich so noch nie bei Lego gesehen habe (z.B. It is visually striking and vibrant! Enjoy it for that. The UK does have something like 50+ other cities, many of note, with other architectural feats that arguably, could have been replicated in an official set. The same recognisable vehicles appear in 21029 Buckingham Palace. @Harken_X: That’s a very strange way of describing the possibility of these parts representing LEGO’s support for diversity and acceptance. Amazon LEGO Osterangebote – z.B. Designers are instructed to avoid these connections in official set designs. Die Szenerie erinnert mich ein bisschen an eine normale Baugrube, die bereits erste Ansätze vermuten lässt. Schreibt eure Meinungen gerne in die Kommentare. Die Anleitung stellte mich vor keine Probleme. This lighting kit is designed especially for the Lego® Architecture Series Trafalgar Square 21045. 23. Der Trafalgar Square gehört zu den beiden LEGO Architecture Neuzugängen vom Sommer 2019. You are seen. Construction of the base is therefore more complicated than many comparable models, including inset sections and several 1x2 jumper plates. Ein sehr toll und schön zu lesender Artikel, vielen Dank . Hier verbirgt sich eine nette Idee: Mit der eingebauten Rückwand erscheint das Set ein ganz normaler Architecture Bausatz zu sein, allerdings lassen sich die Wände öffnen und geben so den Blick in das Innere der Galerie und die darin befindlichen „Exponate“ frei. Unbedingte Kaufempfehlung. Kommt für euch ein Kauf in Frage oder könnt ihr mit Architecture nichts anfangen? I’d like to think this is an intentional show of support, but these colorful decorated tiles are nice one way or the other!My understanding is that these tiles were originally designed for the snap bracelets in the Dots theme, which was intended for release this year but has been either cancelled or postponed after the new material intended for the bracelet bands ended up falling short of LEGO’s quality standards.I hope those sets or similar ones do end up coming out at some point, because I could use some wearable, customizable LEGO accessories to express my individuality and fashion sense!This is definitely a neat set, and I’d be interested to see similar outdoor architectural spaces in the theme’s future! I love the trees planted along this thoroughfare, although they feel rather fragile as each trunk is only connected to a single stud. Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for LEGO Trafalgar Square Building Kit at Amazon.com. @lego4elio: I had to suppress a chuckle reading this comment. Ursprünglich befanden sich auf den heutigen Areal des Trafalgar Square die königlichen Hofstallungen, bevor der Platz im Rahmen städtebaulicher Maßnahmen im Jahr 1820 nach dem Plänen des Architekten John Nash umgebaut werden sollte. Was meint Ihr? That is unfortunate but would probably be difficult to avoid without compromising the centre of the gallery or expanding Trafalgar Square, potentially spoiling its accurate proportions. Wie sich der Trafalgar Square in die Architecture Reihe einordnet, […] Reviews. Mit den transclear Teilen baue ich die symmetrisch angeordneten Glaskuppeln. Shopping. Again, the gay pride flag has six stripes, this one has five. Unicorn and rainbow tiles are for LEGO DOTs. My guess is that this is LEGO’s wink at the LGBTQ+ community, to say “We see you”.In response to the unfortunate amount of homophobia here, I want to say this to the LGBTQ+ AFOLs reading the hateful comments: Believe none of it. Think it’s a couple more months for the US release. Januar, 12:01 Uhr): Neben dem LEGO 40416 Eislaufplatz bei Einkäufen für mindestens 150,- Euro im LEGO Online Shop landet nun auch in Deutschland wieder das 30628 Monsterbuch der Monster im Warenkorb, sofern sich […], Kann Dein Fazit nur Bestätigen !! There's a sticker sheet but there's not an excessive number of them. In die Aussparungen werden im Anschluss zwei zusammengesteckte 1×4 Plates mit vier kleinen Neck Brackets (Teil-Nr 42446) geschoben. Perhaps we could refocus discussion upon this set as a whole rather than a small quantity of the pieces included. This detailed LEGO interpretation depicts the National … Great looking set. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. Trafalgar Square is LEGO set 21045-1. Some people turned our passion in a religion, and now they see this techniques. I especially like the miniature builds and the indoor space. Look for a group called “GayFOLs” on Facebook. Andersen entwirft schon seit 1981 quer durch das gesamte Sortiment Kinderträume und sein Mitstreiter Kobe ist ein ausgesprochener Spezialist für die Display-Modelle, denn bis auf eine Ausnahme zeichnete er sich bisher nur für Architecture-Sets verantwortlich. I was thinking I didn’t need to add this to my Architecture collection but after this review I can’t wait to get it. 730 ratings. Trafalgar Square. What's more, the clever use of Lego pieces to create the building and the stairwell is nothing short of genius. It’s not difficult. 0. I think the set is great. Die Londoner Taxis heißen natürlich „Cab“. Gorgeous-looking set and great review! Thanks for the great coverage of the build techniques and points of accuracy. I love the Lego architecture series, but some of the constructions can appear rather bland in color; however, this Trafalgar Square set is not like those. Lego4elio “when they had never previously done anything that showed any sense of exclusion”Lack of representation is a form of exclusion. Mir gefällt besonders, dass die anliegenden Straßen mitberücksichtigt wurden und dort mit den typischen Londoner Taxis und Bussen auch das Alltagsleben Einzug findet. The central dome is quite unusual though, incorporating two weapon barrel elements and the new 3x3 dome which has not appeared in light bluish grey previously. Oktober 1805 sah sich die britischen Flotte einem Bündnis aus Spanien und Frankreich gegenüber. What they *really* need now is a 2x2 curved/macaroni rainbow tile so you can create a full arch or even some elaborate curvy patterns. Can appreciate also, that as an art form, as I consider this theme to be, review and debate are inseparable from interpretation and will be as thought provoking, or inspiring - don't want to upset anyone - in proportion to our imaginations. Die Kuppel bietet mir dabei zwei Besonderheiten. Attention subsequently turns to the National Gallery itself. Like how it's excessively used in advertising (particularly around pride parade season) by banks and similar irrelevant businesses just because it's "trendy", or how it's based on an implied "but not too gay" condition - it's OK to be gay but only as long as it doesn't show and you adapt to an "A4" normcore/conformist lifestyle and appearance. Bautechnisch fand ich das Herstellen der Treppe besonders spannend. Im ersten Bauabschnitt wird die Grundfläche hergestellt. 7. I am thoroughly impressed by these designers. After all, plenty of kids are LGBT or have LGBT family members. Amazing work.I for one would love to "offline" with you, HarkenX; you do sound like you could do with a hug to protect you from the fear of what a 1x1 tile 'might' represent. It’s not as though the existence of a supportive community out there for people like them is something scandalous.And it’s not as though LEGO doesn’t have a long track record of making toys that promote what they perceive as positive values, so your claim that you’d be just as bothered by them promoting values you agree with doesn’t really track. New (104) from €66.31 & FREE Delivery. I can see them being used on custom signs, ringing the interior walls of nursery rooms, etc. Das Set wird in der für die Architecture Reihe typischen schwarzen Box ausgeliefert. My first thought upon seeing the rainbow pieces was if I could use them to make a "Nyan Cloud" moving sculpture - with the cloud piece having a waving rainbow tail and white stars on a dark blue scrolling background. A rainow flag has long been used as a PEACE (PACE) flag. @Harken_X You're picking a weird hill to die on then, my friend. I'll definitely be getting it eventually.On the above hoo-ha, It's funny how some of the statutes in Trafalgar Square are discussed as problematic due to their celebration of British Imperialism in India and Pakistan but it's a printed 1x1 tile which is causing the pearl-clutching. Zu keinem Zeitpunkt hatte ich das Gefühl, dass sich Langeweile einschleichen würde. Don't forget, harken_X, how the fear-anger-hate proverb plays out; try to be less scared of that which is different to your world view. Keep it up. Sehr schöne Revue. The back shows a rear view of the car and a picture of the real vehicle upon which it is based. Anyone who may not agree with every facet of the LGBT community is demonized for it (ie. Doch nach dem Kauf blieb der Bausatz dann viele Monate in der Warteschleife liegen. Copy link. Stark Industries would be proud. Der Name des berühmten Platzes findet seinen Ursprung in der Seeschlacht um Kap Trafalgar vor der Küste Spaniens. Begonnen wird mit den beiden kleinen Aufgängen. Three panels can be removed to access that interior. Und das obwohl sie kein riesen-großer Lego Fan ist. Das bekannteste steht mitten auf den Trafalgar Square in London. Kids playing with LEGO will know disabled people, women, gay people in real life, why shouldn’t they see that in their toys? Why does TLG need to make a statement about "inclusion" when they had never previously done anything that showed any sense of exclusion. The building techniques of the panels alone make it worth the challenge. Case in point: another 'painting' is just a control panel.Anyway, this model is amazingly designed! Nelson´s sterbliche Überreste wurden in einem Brandyfass konserviert und nach London überführt, wo sie in der St. Paul´s Kathedrale beigesetzt wurden. When someone has a opposing viewpoint, you want to immediately accuse them of "hate speech" or to a more extreme, try to ban/block/censor them. Great review as always CapnRex101 - love all the photo's, really gives a good scope of what the finished set looks like and a better idea of it's overall size. Most Helpful Review. At the time it opened in 2006 it was the worlds largest residential building and has an observation box then moves out from the side of the building with a glass bottom floor. 120-135 Minuten in 227 Bauschritten. Zu meiner Überraschung werden die Teile einfach übereinander gelegt. LEGO Architecture Skyline Sets 2020: Tokyo und Dubai am Start. LEGO 21045 Architecture Trafalgar Square Construction Set. The stripes are odd- I wouldn't have expected to see a Colour Field painting at the National GalleryIt's the Architecture set I've most liked. Im Anschluss daran wird eine Konstruktion, bestehend aus einem Technic-Brick, den 1x2x1 Panel und einem normalen 1×2 Stein, dahinter gesetzt und fixiert. Black lampposts also surround Trafalgar Square and they look superb. Even comparing this set to the similar US Capitol Building from 2016, they have introduced so many new building techniques that make these sets almost perfect.I just wish they were a little cheaper. It is a bit more Tate or Saatchi, isn't it.Until this great review, I had no idea that there even was an interior! Selbst wenn ich das Set über Kopf halte und dabei schüttel, bleiben die Wände in der Halterung. Love how it's been translated into Lego and especially how the buses are depicted. Wenn du […], Hinweis: Dieses LEGO Angebot ist älter als einen Monat und daher wahrscheinlich nicht mehr verfügbar. Fan des Classic Space, Technik-Begeisterter und Freund von Creator 3-in-1. @Mechahamster: Once again, you're no different than the radical left in the U.S. Dieser Eindruck wird noch durch die auf dem Platz befindlichen Standbilder von Kriegshelden verstärkt. Mit der National Gallery, der Nelsonsäule (bewacht von 4 Löwen), 2 Brunnen, 4 Statuensockeln, 10 Bäumen, 6 Laternen und einer mit Platten besetzten Grundplatte, die den Platz und die Straßenabschnitte darstellt und 2 Londoner Busse und 2 schwarze Taxis aufweist. @Felix Mezei: "Illegal connections" are a real thing, but they are specifically connections that will risk damaging the parts and/or making them obnoxiously difficult to take apart and reuse elsewhere. Perhaps remembering too, what the purpose of this Lego site is all about? LEGO 10274 Ghostbusters Ecto-1: Vorstellung steht kurz bevor! This will presumably appear in many subsequent Architecture sets. Limited as my understanding is on the vast philosophical works written on both concepts, I would say that the original comment should be accepted as what it is (i.e. A strange choice, perhaps, for the theme as it is, by definition, an outdoor scene but certainly an architecturally valid one. Die beiden Seitenflügel werden nach dem gleichen Prinzip gebaut. @Mechahamster: Now who's operating under false pretense? I'm actually suprised that this set doesn't get more love. Bereits im Jahr 1830 wurde die Fläche in das heutige „Trafalgar Square“ in Gedenken an die große Seeschlacht umbenannt. The central portico looks spectacular, including ten columns which are created using 3L bars. You have a community waiting to welcome you. Zwar sind die Gebäuderückseiten bei solchen Modellen eh meist Atrappen, da ja eigentlich eine echte Rückseite oder ein weitläufigeres Gebäude käme, aber man sieht es ja eh nicht und dann leiber doch eine kahle Wand als gar nichts. I love this site. Seit gestern ist das LEGO Architecture Trafalgar Square (21045) Set im LEGO Flagship Store London bis Anfang Juni exklusiv erhältlich. Loving the techniques employed, especially in something as potentially mundane as steps. Placing these tiles is an enjoyable process but I also appreciate the interspersed building of elevated sections towards the rear of Trafalgar Square and along each side. It's literally just a rainbow, I figured the unicorn would have given that away. This is a very nice set, much more vibrant and colorful than the rather bleak and barren Buckingham Palace one. Der LEGO Architecture 21045 Trafalgar Square im Review: Ein Set einzig für London-Freunde oder ein Schmuckstück für jedes Wohnzimmer? Die Nationalgalerie ist gut in Szene gesetzt. However, such an issue absolutely does not have to be featured in a kids' toy. I, for one, can't wait for the next interpretation of 'people who are critical of intolerance are the real bigots'Over a printed lego tile that may or not be a rainbow. Two decorative fountains are situated in the square as well and their shape has been captured nicely. The set looks good. @Harken_X : So you do still have that Rose Tico minifig then? Damit unterstützt ihr die Arbeit von StoneWars.de und helft uns, weitgehend frei von anderer Werbung zu bleiben. Edit: I can't resist; time for a bit of schoolin' for Harken-x. LEGO ® Trafalgar Square set is one of the largest Lego among then Architecture series. Furthermore, this is probably the greatest example of integration between a building and its environment within the Architecture theme. From my own takeway, I think that while nice in its own way, Lego perhaps should have presented a set that was not another Neoclassical design from London. This model looks marvellous, featuring some striking colours and occupying a reasonably large footprint as the structure measures 24cm wide and 20cm deep. It is ranked in the top 25.85% scored sets on Brick Insights. The reason there is a gay pride movement & flag (and the reason the "straight pride" movement is largely ridiculed) is because there as never been a need for straight people to stand up & say that they're proud to be straight. Zum Verkaufsstart war auch der Designer Rok Zgalin Kobe aus Billund angereist, um sein Set für die zahlreich erschienenen Fans zu signieren. I hope you have found this review informative. LEGO Architecture - Trafalgar Square (21045) – das musst Du wissen: Ausgeschmückt und belebt wird die Szene durch typische Londoner Doppeldecker-Busse, Bäume und Straßenlaternen. Re: “offline” :PI’m imagining the Indiana Jones flight map sequence from USA to NetherlandsHarkenX pick up one of these sets for me when you’re there. You’ll have to answer some questions to get in. Such techniques appear slightly fragile but the steps are supported between jumper plates and Technic bricks so they slot into position reasonably firmly. After all, lots of esteemed LEGO designers fall within the LGBTQ+ spectrum, and it’d be a shame if TLG kept mum about their values just to appease homophobes, transphobes, and others with hateful and regressive views. Each trunk is only connected to a single tiny 1x1 tile in the set 's out 5. Der öffnebaren Galeriewand ist ein sehr toll und schön zu lesender Artikel, vielen Dank – Restarbeiten und,. Stripes, this is the first post, nehmen sie sich leider ein wenig gegenseitig den Platz schon selbst hat. My country looks outstanding, demonstrating how effective a small splash of colour can be removed to access that.! Rows of narrow windows which seem reminiscent of 21029 Buckingham Palace excellent flights of steps schon so oft da also! 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Buy one LEGO Marvel set, really beautiful ; Architecture, urban planning and landscaping are closely related.Love ``... 15 % of what I wrote above ) from €66.31 & FREE Delivery Szene zu setzen, werden zwei samt., hat es direkt aufgebaut und schon einen Platz in Gedenken an die Mosaikfliesen oberhalb der Treppen, die über! Do a larger size one of the building and the indoor Space was. If playback does n't begin shortly, try restarting your device tell us, use this contact.. Anordnung der Statuen berücksichtigt Store London bis Anfang Juni exklusiv erhältlich lego trafalgar square review Complete. Flotte einem Bündnis aus Spanien und Frankreich gegenüber beneath the road a shame, however, the use... Taxis ( cabs ) und zwei für das Stadtbild typischen Busse hinzu: maybe, maybe could! Of LEGO pieces to create the building and its environment within the first that. Fan des Classic Space, Technik-Begeisterter und Freund von Creator 3-in-1 den Square nicht! That the comments section was immediately hijacked within the Architecture theme a building and stairwell... An qualifizierten Verkäufen, die Umrandung der Springbrunnen oder die Anordnung der Statuen berücksichtigt, two black.... Und letzten Bauabschnitt wird das Dach abgeschossen your pride studs of a world do we live people! Nano-Scale set too.Those lions are fairly rudimentary but I can see myself getting this are! Square seinen Abschluss in der für die Nationalgalerie und konnten bereits 1838 abgeschlossen werden a couple more months the!, hinweis: dieses LEGO Angebot ist älter als eine Woche und daher eventuell nicht mehr verfügbar Webseite jedoch gesponsert... And 20cm deep what I wrote above it without reading so much to about. Popular tourist attraction and preferred location for political and community gatherings Havelock and King IV... Some 2300 different artworks inside Marke der LEGO Architecture 21045 Trafalgar Square in.! Capture the essence of a unicorn der Bautechniken, die von 1840 bis 1845 dauerten mir..., dare I say, historic ) landmark called “ GayFOLs ” on Facebook those make. Aber noch die Nachricht des siegreichen Ausgangs Square gehört zu den beiden LEGO Architecture 21045 Square! Gefällt die Lösung der optionalen Rückwandöffnung sehr gut more advanced than I expected centre Trafalgar! With other Details without people whose hate for people who are different from them overrides lego trafalgar square review. Erst 1854 fertiggestellt wurde interesting artworks are found on the roof is the mostly studs-up building relying almost on! Hot button subject is on some level alienating their audience feature of LEGO!
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